Have you ever wondered why some logos are poor quality and look blurry or pixelated when enlarged? It’s because they’re not vector images.
Here are some reasons why you should use formatted vector artwork for your logo.
Vector Versus Raster
First, what is a vector image? Vector based artwork is algorithmic and uses mathematics to plot the paths making up a design rather than pixel bitmaps. This means vector images are infinitely scalable and resolution-independent. That means that no matter how big you stretch the image—such as putting it on a poster or large sign—it’s just as sharp as it is at one or two inches across on your website or stationery. This infinite scalability makes vector logos extremely versatile.
Compare this to raster images. “Raster” images are made up of pixels or tiny dots. Raster is resolution-dependent and will look blurry or pixelated at larger sizes.

Vector files end in names like .ai, .svg, and .eps. Raster files have extensions such as .pngs and .jpegs.
Vector Logos Are Better Quality
Vector has a high-quality resolution no matter the size. This is perfect for when you display your logo in large formats, like on a billboard or other large scale print design applications. The high-quality resolution will make sure it looks sharp, legible, and recognizable to your audience.

Vector Logos Are Editable
Another reason you must have a vector logo and not just a raster logo is because vectors are more editable. Since logos are typically made in vector based software, like Adobe illustrator, it’s easy to come back to them later to make changes or export the logo again with different settings. This means even after your logo is complete, you can still go back in and change things. Editing is incredibly convenient if you aren’t doing a total rebrand but want to tweak some things. For example, maybe you want to use alternate branding colors or go black and white. Perhaps you want to update your tagline. Changes are simple to make and sharp. You’ll have to use raster versions of your logo for some contexts, but as long as you have a vector copy, like an .ai file, you can export a .jpg or .png for any size or context you need.
If the only copy you have of your logo is a raster image such as a jpg, it isn’t going to be editable in the same way. You can’t edit your text, switch the colors, or even remove elements. Instead, you have to recreate the wheel every time… and the result is always blurrier and less valuable. So make sure you always have a copy of your logo in a vector format.
Vector Logos Have Smaller File Sizes
This is surprising to most people who are not in the design business: vector files generally take up far less space than raster files. It’s counterintuitive but true! And this is a big deal when creating a logo because, for many contexts, you don’t want an unnecessarily large file.
While raster images are important with graphic services like photography and are common with web uses, vector logos are preferable for most situations.
Remember: vector logos are better quality, editable, versatile, and have smaller file sizes.
Is your logo blurry? Do you need help creating a vector logo? No problem, we can help vectorize your logo for you! Contact us today to get in touch.